Chevy Chase, MD - With accelerating technical and market developments, and the fast growing number of conference papers and trade journal articles focused on UV LEDs for industrial curing, public health and life science applications, RadTech, the nonprofit for ultraviolet and electron beam technologies, and the International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA), have developed a new website to document and track UV LED technology. consolidates technical papers and articles on diverse UV LED subjects in a convenient, easy-to-search online resource. The site is designed to comprehensively educate those interested in UV LED technology, with new papers added regularly to reflect the ongoing work of RadTech and IUVA members.
UV LED innovations are leading to more efficient, economical, and environmentally responsible processes, offering scientific advancements to foster new groundbreaking industrial and public health initiatives. The latest UV LED breakthroughs will be presented and on exhibit at the upcoming biennial RadTech 2020 and IUVA America’s Conference in Orlando, March 8-11.
Mickey Fortune
RadTech - The Association for UV & EB Technology
(240) 643-0517