Noesis reports lighting upgrades as top energy project trend

June 12, 2015
AUSTIN, TX – Noesis, the tech-enabled lending marketplace for financing energy-saving commercial building improvements, has announced an energy project trend report. Based on data mined from more than 1,300 projects on the Noesis platform that are valued at over $500M, lighting is the most common upgrade for commercial building owners.

With over 650 lighting projects on the Noesis platform, the frequency of lighting upgrades is increasing year-over-year, making it the fastest growing energy saving technology sold by the Noesis network of over 200 vendors and distributors. This can be attributed to key benefits including simple and inexpensive implementation, short payback period and a strong rate of return. Lighting upgrades were the most frequently proposed project through the Noesis platform, with four times as many proposals than HVAC upgrades (combination of heating, cooling and air handling projects), which ranked second. After lighting and HVAC, the remaining two leading technologies were solar and building automation / controls.

“As America’s infrastructure continues to age, energy saving upgrades will play an increasingly important role in reducing costs,” said Scott Harmon, chief executive officer, Noesis. “Noesis is seeing several states emerge as highly active and we expect to see this trend spread nationwide over the next few years.”

While America as a whole is embracing energy saving upgrades, five states have emerged as leaders. According to Noesis’ findings, California, New York, Texas, Ohio and Illinois have significantly more energy saving projects than any other state.

Though lighting is the most prominent energy saving upgrade, building automation / controls tend to yield the highest internal rate of return (IRR) for commercial building owners. The average IRRs for the projects in the Noesis database by technology are:

• Building Automation / Controls: 44%
• Lighting: 41%
• Heating 28%
• Solar: 23%
• Air Handing: 18%
• Cooling 15%

Noesis provides third-party investment and risk analysis, turnkey financing options and sales automation tools to help its partners grow their business and complete more projects.
About Noesis
Noesis is a specialty Lending Marketplace that helps the commercial building owners increase the value of their buildings. It does this by helping them make informed investment decisions in energy-related equipment, such as LED lights and solar panels, and providing financing to upgrade their buildings, generate additional cash flows and increase property values. Noesis meets the needs of the owners of the 5 to 7 million non-residential buildings in the US through in-house project financing expertise, proprietary project valuation technology and a range of innovative financing vehicles.

Unlike traditional banks and asset-backed equipment finance lenders which focus on the credit score of a business or the value of an asset, the Noesis Platform combines business credit history with business financials, building value and energy savings into a single, combined lending score. The Noesis Project Score unlocks access to capital at more attractive rates and terms for building owners, and provides lower risks and higher returns for financial institutions.

Noesis is used by local and national commercial building owners, as well as over 150 US commercial energy equipment and services companies who use Noesis Platform and Lending Marketplace to help them win more of their project proposals and grow their business.

